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Course International Autriche Tyrol

Mail de nos amis Allemands ,

une belle course semble t'il en Autriche pour tout le monde, aussi pour les tout jeunes 10 12 ans !!

Si il y a des jeunes compétiteus intéressé me prévenir 



 German Championships 2019 (20. – 22. Juni) in Whitewater Racing in Lienz on the rivers “Drau” and “Isel

 Dear Whitewater racing friends, 

it is with great pleasure that we would like to take this opportunity to draw your attention to the German Whitewater Racing Championships, which will be held from June 20 - 22, 2019 on Drau and Isel in Lienz  (East Tyrol / Austria).

We would like to ask you to note the date in your plans accordingly.     

What do you can expect:

Therefore, we would like to warmly invite you to join us: 


*Youngsters and Masters C+D start on a course above the Iselkatarakt. 


We would be happy to welcome you in Lienz with as many starters as possible, so that we can experience exciting competitions and a great event together.

 If you have any questions regarding the event or the competition routes, please do not hesitate to contact us under the contact details below.

For entries, please send them to kanu-dm-lienz@t-online.de (information on entries, entry fees as well as entry deadlines will follow at a later date).


We wish everyone a good preparation for the 2019 season and look forward to a lively participation and a reunion in Lienz.


Jens Perlwitz, David Piaskowski, Armin Zöttl & the entire organizing committee

 (Deutscher Kanu Verband, Österreichischer Kanu Verband, Hessischer Kanu Verband, C.S.K. 98 Kassel, Ostiroler Kajak Club)